We need to change the mindsets around the uncut girl, Nigeria

Busayo Soyebo held a very interesting radio show which reached over 1,000,000 listeners directly. Callers asked questions that highlighted that more needs to be done to communicate to the wider population: an uncut girl is a healthy girl and is able to be a part of society without bearing the everlasting effects and pains of FGM.

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Mental Health Expert talks about the impact FGM has on girls, Ondo State, Nigeria

Ireti Adesida is an anti-FGM campaigner who is spreading the word against FGM through media outlets in Ondo State, Nigeria. Ireti has been especially present on this issue over the past few weeks as Easter time is known to be a time where many girls go through FGM.

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Anti-FGM media campaigners in Koinadugu state, Sierra Leone, Report on their Easter Cutting Media Campaign

The team was massively involved in radio and community sensitizations on the Easter Cutting to end FGM within the district. Through our media campaign and community engagement we can reach 205 thousand listeners in broadcasting FGM messages and changed their perception.

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