For up to date news from the #FrontlineEndingFGM movement, visit our website.

The #FrontlineEndingFGM movement began life in 2014, as The Global Media Campaign (GMC). It was then focused on helping local, women’s organisation use their local media to help end Female Genital Mutilation. 

But, recognising that the lack of funding reaching these local women’s organisatons (less than 2 per cent of donor funding) GMC expanded their media training to help set up #FrontlineEndingFGM.

This movement campaigns for more donor and international aid agency funds to go these local (mostly women-led) organisations.   

#FrontlineEndingFGM is supported by the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA and the US Wallace Global Fund and has over 1000 frontline organisations and grassroots activists working in 15 countries across Africa.

Progress on the definitive guide to all the #FrontlineEndingFGM’s organisations is on the #Frontline Feminist Directory below.

The Directory which has been built with the support of UNFPA and the Wallace Global Fund and was officially launched at Women Deliver in Kigali from 17th-20th of July 2023.