Media campaigns
recent campaigns in Ethiopia
FGM in Ethiopia
According to The Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2005, the national prevalence of FGM is at 74% for women/girls between the ages of 15 and 49. And 62% national prevalence of FGM among girls between the ages 15 and 19. (Data validated by UNFPA).
The latest
2022 Ethiopia- #FrontlineEndingFGM
32 campaigns by #FrontineEndingFGM reaching 11,500,000 on radio, TV, and social media.
Investigation into how Radio shows are sensitising Internally Displaced People Camps to End FGM, Jijiga Ethiopia
I am Jamarti Yahye, a Somali Journalist, based in Jigjiga. I have been working with media houses for the past 6 years. Currently, I work for Dal-Jir Radio, Jigjiga branch. In recent years I have been directly involved in the Global Media Campaign for the Awareness and Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation.
TV Panel discussion on the role of Masjid Imams Raising Awareness about FGM as Community Guides: Jigjiga city, Ethiopia
My name is Muhiyadin Mohamed Aden, I am a Somali journalist from Goobjoog TV Jigjiga Office and vice director of the Somali region journalist Association. For the past years working different media houses in the region.
Ex cutter talks to TV to End FGM: Jigjiga, Ethiopia
My name is Abdihakin Abdulahi Gamadiid, a Somali journalist, from universal Somali TV, Jigjiga Office. I am the general secretary of the Somali region Journalists Association (SRJA).
The Psychological Effects of FGM, Ethiopia and Nigeria report
Ubax Jamal Mohamed, (a female journalist from FM Jigjiga station) visited Dr. Rudwan Hassan Mohamud Who operates Hayat Mental Health Care & Rehabilitation Centre. A psychiatric ward that focuses on mental health disorders and psychological difficulties in Jigjiga city. The interview was recorded and used as part of a radio conversation show that informed 1 million listeners of the ill effects that occur due to FGM.
Four Week School Media Campaign to End FGM, Somalia Region, Ethiopia
Powerful messages from students that are inspired to take action to help end FGM.
GMC Supports Media Training on Sensitive Reporting on Harmful Practices for Media Practitioners from Eastern & Southern Africa
GMC alongside the African Union led and supported the media training that took place on 5th-7th July 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Religious Leaders Fatwa, Irish Aid Programme – November 2021- March 2022, Somalia Region, Ethiopia
Executive Summary The latest phase of the Irish Aid religious leaders fatwa
Journalists End FGM talk about recent FGM survivor Documentary, Broadcast to Three Main Somali TV Stations, Somalia Region, Ethiopia
My name is Ahmed Abdirahman Ibrahim, a Somali journalist from RTN Somali TV Jigjiga Office Type of Media and its reach Type of media: Television known us RTN Somali TV, Jigjiga Office.
Enough is Enough Religious Scholar and Medical Professionals Speak Out on Radio To End FGM, Somali Region, Ethiopia
Ubah Jamal Mohamed is a Journalist working for Jijiga FM Radio and a journalist by trained Global Media Campaign for the last two years to do the best the media campaigns. Ubah is a media campaigner who is interested in ending FGM and eradicating harmful traditional practices in the Somali region.
Radio talks on what role Mosques Play in Raising Awareness about FGM as a Community Guide, in Putland, Somalia
In this day and age of the 21st century, is it recognized that voice is empowerment. Women and girls either shy away or lack the platform to present their grievances directly to decision-makers, the proposed media campaign program will publicise girls’ harmful acting by traditional cutting. The opportunity to raise awareness as in imposing experience of self-worth which this campaign anticipates realizing.
TV Show Discussions on the Serious Effects of FGM, Somali Region, Ethiopia
My name is Shucayb Obsiiye, I am a Somali journalist based in Jigjiga who has worked with some of the main media houses in the region for the past years. I currently work for Horn cable TV in the Somali region of Ethiopia. In addition, I am one of the journalists who write on social media from the Somali region of Ethiopia country.
Graduates say
Become a media to end FGM campaigner
Media campaigns
recent campaigns in Guinea
FGM in Guinea
According to Guinea Demographic and Health Survey 2012, the national prevalence of FGM is at 97% for women/girls between the ages of 15 and 49. And 94% national prevalence of FGM among girls between the ages 15 and 19. (Data validated by UNFPA).
The latest
La radio rurale de Dinguiraye intensifie la campagne média sur les conséquences des MGF.
Projet :Ce projet médiatique sur la réalisation de table-rondes pendant les 16
Campagne de sensibilisation sur Radio Rurale Beyla
Pour la Journée Internationale des Droits des Femmes 2021, Lansana Koné a organisé une table ronde, un débat et d’autres activités médiatiques pour sensibiliser sa région aux dangers des MGF.
Sensibilisation des mères aux dangers des MGF sur la Radio TV Nationale
par Aissata Sidibé Contexte de l’émission La Guinée constitue le 2eme pays
Graduates say
Become a media to end FGM campaigner
Media campaigns
recent campaigns in Kenya
FGM in Kenya
According to The Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2014, the national prevalence of FGM is at 21% for women/girls between the ages of 15 and 49. And 11% national prevalence of FGM among girls between the ages 15 and 19. (Data validated by UNFPA).
The latest
Impact Measurement : Case Study – Vincent Ogallo – Kuria, Migori County, Kenya
Impact measurement – case study special. Vincent Ogallo reports, how his team saved 512 girls from FGM and saw 38 arrest for FGM in Kuria over the December – January cutting period 2023.
Impact Measurement Study – Ambrose Merian, North Pokot: Kenya
This is the write up of an interview between Ambrose Merian (End FGM Campaigner) and Ruth Harley (GMC Website News editor) : on Tuesday 17th January at 1500PM. This interview made it possible to zoom in on all the work that Ambrose has been doing over the December 2022- January 2023 period to save girls from FGM.
2022 Kenya Overview – #FrontlineEndingFGM
This December we are seeing so much action on the ground all across Kenya as campaigners fight against FGM over the long 2 month Christmas holiday break. Chiefs are reminding their communities of the severity of punishment for the perpetrators, campaigners are talking to the girls to find out cutting plans, and police are enforcing and rescuing girls.
Jingles to End FGM : Radio repeats the message that ‘FGM is harmful to our girls’, Kenya
Our media activity took place amid the election period, there were so many activities politically and children were home for a break. We engaged a local radio station and ran jingles for a couple of days in vernacular. This was to give emphasis that as the election period is happening, they should not be carried away and forget the safety of the girls.
Men End FGM Campus Dialogues: Reaches Millions with National TV and Media Coverage, Nairobi, Kenya
Men End FGM Foundation has launched an initiative dubbed #TubongeNaComrades to create awareness among students on the negative effects of harmful practises.
FGM in Focus with Collins Orono
Meet Kenya’s Collins Orono. He produces three programmes that focus on children. All the programmes air on National TV in Kenya and focus on advancing the voice of the child on issues that affect them, especially harmful cultural practices like FGM.
Elders publicly declared that the spirits (god) have allowed ending FGM with no consequences, Kuria, Kenya
Zinduka has been at the forefront in implementing programs targeting the empowerment of women and girls through awareness creation on FGM, child marriages, education/sponsorship of vulnerable girls, and other gender-related issues.
“FGM is not in the Holy Books,” Sheikh shares on the Radio Inspiring other Religious Leaders to call in to be on the Next Show, North Rift region, Kenya
We had a two weeks radio jingle on BK Radio and a one-talk show that was held on which involved sheikh Mohamed Ali of Pangani Muslim community mosque and Bishop Ken Senelwa of Voice of Trumpet. The message is the religious upbringing of our children does not include FGM in the holy books.
Youth Religious Leaders answer questions on the Radio to help End FGM, Meru County, Kenya
By Lawi M. Murangiri, Anti FGM radio show on Getu Fm Fm
Doctor calls in radio show to plead to parents “Do Not Cut your Girls,” Kenya
This time we Engaged more girls and women for they are the survivors of FGM. We also engaged boys and male youths for they are the future husbands so they must understand the concept of FGM and be part of the guard towards achieving zero FGM.
Cross Border FGM – Tanzania and Kenya Radio Conversations
My project was about Cross border FGM from Kenya to Tanzania. I went to Namanga/Tanzania with a team of four other people. We got to engage with authorities from both Kenya and Tanzania, parents who have transported their children to Tanzania for FGM as well as brokers who are paid to transport the girls to Tanzania for the cut.
Radio Conversations with a Youth leader and Doctor on ending FGM, Wajir County, Kenya
We used our campaign to sensitize the community on upholding the rights of the girl child against FGM in Wajir County. This is done through the wajeer FM radio with wide coverage and going in the local Somali dialect.
Graduates say
Subscribe to the Kenyan Newsletter
Become a media to end FGM campaigner
Media campaigns
recent campaigns in Mali
FGM in Mali
According to The Malian Demographic and Health Survey 2012-2013, the national prevalence of FGM is at 91% for women/girls between the ages of 15 and 49. And 90% national prevalence of FGM among girls between the ages 15 and 19. (Data validated by UNFPA).
The latest
A Koro, les enfants lèvent la voix contre les pratiques néfastes
Projet A l’occasion de la Journée Internationale de l’Enfant Africain (16 JUIN
A Ségou, émission radio pour cibler les autorités locales.
ProjetLe projet consistait à l’animation d’une table ronde avec le parlement régional
Journée de l’enfant Africain : Emission Télé sur les dangers de l’excision au Mali
Projet :A l’occasion du 16 juin la journée des enfants africain mon
Emission radiophonique sur les conséquences de l’excision au Mali
Projet Mon projet consistait à faire une sensibilisation à travers une émission
Plaidoyer pour le respect des droits de l’enfant.
Projet Dans le cadre de la mise en ouvre de ce projet,
Émissions radiophoniques sur les droits des enfants et les conséquences des mutilations génitales féminines
Projet: Emission radio sur les droits des enfants Ce projet consistait à
Défense et promotion des droits de l’enfant au Mali
Mon projet consistait à mettre un accent sur les droits des enfants
Mettons fin aux violences faites aux femmes dès aujourd’hui !
Projet Ce projet de sensibilisation avait pour objectif la réalisation et la
Non à l’excision des Jeunes filles pendant les Vacances
Projet La campagne de sensibilisation sur les conséquences des Mutilations Génitales Féminines
Réalisation d’une Table ronde sur les Violences Basées sur le Genre y compris les MGF à la radio rurale de Kérouané
Projet Dans la réalisation de ce projet, cinq invités ont débattus différents
Amplifier les voix pour accélérer l’éradication des mutilations génitales féminines à Nzérékoré
Projet Amplifier les voix pour accélérer l’éradication des mutilations génitales féminines est
Campagne de sensibilisation des populations sur la recrudescence du viol à Kankan
Projet Ce projet a été la réalisation de deux émissions interactives pour
Graduates say
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Media campaigns
recent campaigns in Nigeria
FGM in Nigeria
According to The Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey 2013, the national prevalence of FGM is at 25% for women/girls between the ages of 15 and 49. And 15% national prevalence of FGM among girls between the ages 15 and 19. (Data validated by UNFPA).
The latest
Media Outreach and Training – Ogun State
16 Days of Activism – Ogun State, Nigeria. November – December 2023.
7 End FGM Champions Training & Powerful radio conversations: Enugu State, Nigeria
We have observed since 2017; the influx of young girls from the UK and America especially into Nigeria during the summer holidays of June to September of every year. Upon close observation and inquiries; we were able to identify that for hundreds of girls of Igbo and Nigerian descent in the UK the summer holidays mark the arrival of ‘cutting season’; when they are flown back to Nigeria to undergo FGM.
Social worker and Media Experts talk on Radio to End FGM, Osun State, Nigeria
Activity by: Value Reorientation for Community Enhancement (VARCE Nigeria) Facilitator: Ademola Adebisi,
The Psychological Effects of FGM, Ethiopia and Nigeria report
Ubax Jamal Mohamed, (a female journalist from FM Jigjiga station) visited Dr. Rudwan Hassan Mohamud Who operates Hayat Mental Health Care & Rehabilitation Centre. A psychiatric ward that focuses on mental health disorders and psychological difficulties in Jigjiga city. The interview was recorded and used as part of a radio conversation show that informed 1 million listeners of the ill effects that occur due to FGM.
Bornperfect Stakeholders meeting, Osun State, Nigeria
The #BornPerfect Stakeholders meeting and media campaign took place in Ile Ife, Osun state Nigeria.
One Campaign, 3 Radio Shows, 1 TV interview, and Children’s Rights Audiobook release, Reaching 51 million people, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
We organised a time with independent television and radio for a session where I spoke on factors affecting the African child and we played our emphasis on female genital mutilation and how it affects the girl child but also the boy child indirectly and we also deliberated on possible solutions, we had over 3 million listeners.
One month of Radio Shows led by Six Undergraduate Students to End FGM: Obafemi On University, Nigeria
The media campaign series was a one-month radio sensitization programme held from 8th June 2022 to 29th June 2022 at 7:30 pm every Wednesday.
Callers shocked that FGM is still an issue, Osun State, Nigeria
The Broadcasting Corporation OSBC radio 104.5 FM ran a radio show where Mr. Ademola Adebisi an FGM/ Gender Based Activist (Executive Director, Value Reorientation for Community Enhancement), Olorunfemi Bukola Emilola an FGM survival and a Child rights Advocate and Imam Alimi Muideen Olatunde were the guests, The programme was anchored by Mrs. Olusola Ayesebolatan Marcus an OAP.
Radio Jingle to educate listeners on the Legal, Emotional, Psychological and Medical implications of FGM, Nigeria
For the media project, I renewed my already made end FGM English jingle and engaged more than 20,000,000 people for one hour on Fresh FM.
Politician Speaks out on Radio ‘More needs to be done to end FGM’ Kwara state, Nigeria
The Day of the African Child has been celebrated on June 16 every year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the Organization of African unity (OAU). The celebration is in honor of those who participated in the Soweto uprising in 1976. It is also to raise awareness of the continuous need for improvement of the education provided to African Children.
Children’s Rights and ending FGM discussion on Rave FM, Osun state, Nigeria
Radio conversation on Rave (91.7) FM by Olaniyan Oluwayomi Rosemary. With the theme: Eliminating Harmful Practices Affecting Children: Progress on Policy and Practice Since 2013.
FGM in Focus: Born Perfect Special
During this Facebook Live special Jeremiah Kipainoi invites Davidson Malison (Activist, Nigeria), Tony Mwebia (Activist, Kenya), and Hassan Istiila (Journalist, Somalia) to explain the benefits of the Born Perfect campaign which has engaged football legends in the talk to end FGM.
Graduates say
Become a media to end FGM campaigner
Media campaigns
recent campaigns in Sierra Leone
FGM in Sierra Leone
To be updated
The latest
Community Event covered by Influencers making Waves Through the media to End FGM
We thank God Almighty for his grace, as we were opportune to be part of the campaign to End FGM 2022. This was due to a fund received by Global Media Campaign for a serious campaign against the practice of FGM. It has been a great experience to work with different actors in seeing that we bring an end to FGM.
FGM survivors and Uncut girls unite on Radio to share the message ‘FGM Must End’ : Team Western Area Rural, Sierra Leone
The Global Media Campaign (GMC) in a bid to reach out to more communities with the Western Area. Funds were dished out to Team Western Area Rural for a media a campaign as schools across this area were closed. We aimed to educate the public on the harmful effects FGM that continue to effect our women and girls in Sierra Leone and elsewhere.
Radio Sensitisaton to End FGM: Kenema, Sierra Leone
Report on the sensitisation of Radio Decision on the topic stop FGM. It was Simulcast Programme between Kamboi agriculture radio and All Out radio Kenema.
School Pupils Call Radio Show for support on how to Say No to FGM: Kailahun District, Sierra Leone
The Global Media Campaign funded Team Kailahun for this year’s end-FGM Campaign. Kailahun District is amongst other districts that still record a high number of FGM cases in Sierra Leone, thus the need for such campaigns.
Bloodless Bondo: Time for Change, Bondo Bush – Tonkolili district, Sierra Leone
Replacing the Bondo Bush with “School is a project” funded by BMZ and PfefferminzGreen through Amazonian Initiative Movement(AIM).
Death of 21-year-old from FGM sparks new Campaign
On the 21st of December 2021 21-year-old Maseray Sei was found dead in the Bondo Bush in Nyandeni Village, Bonthe District after undergoing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Sowo women Sandy willing confessed to having initiatied Maseray Sei to FGM. This enabled activists to act fast and the court case was born.
FGM in Focus: William Wise
On Tuesday 28th June Jeremiah Kipanoi and William Wise sat down for a conversation updating GMC Facebook Live viewers on the current challenges in Sierra Leone towards ending FGM. This conversation included talks about the truth of what is happening at the Bondi Bush, campaigning successes, and the need for political goodwill.
Pastor speaks out against FGM, Team Tonkolili, Sierra Leone
At the Gbonkolenken Radio 93.7 FM in Yele Town, Team Tonkolili’s most recent campaign ended up an hour radio program with an audience of over 67,000 listeners that appreciated the good work of the team.
Engaging Tribal Heads in a Radio Conversation to end FGM in the Bondo Bush, Sierra Leone
Team Koinadugu was involved in a media campaign against FGM by using different radio stations and our local languages to end the harmful practice of FGM (Bondo society).
Uncut Head Teacher shares how her Sex life is without pain and Labour normal, On Radio, Western Area Rural, Sierra Leone
The radio show we organised was designed to remind people about the negative effects FGM poses on our women and girls.
Listeners Changing Minds on FGM through Radio Sensitisation
Team Kenema, Sierra Leone share their most recent radio campaign.
The Conduit Club Anti-FGM Evening 2022
This special evening, held on Thursday 3rd February, marked a significant milestone in the Global Media Campaign’s efforts to end FGM. The GMC team – including Director Maggie O Kane and six leading campaigners from Sierra Leone, Kenya, Nigeria, and Somalia – joined this conversation which was presented to a group of keen listeners live from the Conduit Club in Covent Garden. Other key members of the panel also included the BBC’s renowned international editor, Lyse Doucet and the chair of the Global Media Campaign, the human rights lawyer, Dexter Dias.
Graduates say
Become a media to end FGM campaigner
Media campaigns
recent campaigns in Somalia
FGM in Somalia
According to The Somalian MISC survey 2006, the national prevalence of FGM is at 98% for women/girls between the ages of 15 and 49. And 97% national prevalence of FGM among girls between the ages 15 and 19.
The latest
2022 Somalia – #FrontlineEndingFGM
Somalia faces a growing concern about FGM cases and child marriage as the country is facing the worst drought experienced in years. This leads to concerns that parents will turn to their girls as their only source of income: FGM & Child marriage.
Powerful Radio conversation to End FGM: Jowhar, Somalia
A scientific debate on stopping female circumcision was held at Asal Radio Center in Jowhar. Fatima Hassan Ali and Nasteho Abokor Omar, both female scholars living in Jowhar, shared their stories.
Internally Displaced People camp: TV and Radio Awareness with Traditional Leaders to End FGM in the lives of the Most Vulnerable
This media campaign took place in Somalias largest Internally Displaced People Camp (IDP). Ifrah Ahmed and Mohamed Adan and their team interviewed religious leaders, camp leaders, camp residents and broadcast the End-FGM message on Goobjoog TV and Radio, reaching 2 million listeners and viewers.
FGM Cutter Lays down the Knife on National TV : Jigjiga, Ethiopia
Abdihakin Abdullahi Gamadiid, a journalist working for Universal TV based in Jijiga Office interviews a mother Fardawsa who has laid down the knife after receiving awareness from GMC-trained journalists in the Somali regional state of Ethiopia.
Seven Young School Girls & Survivors of FGM appeal to the world: “I Hate it! This must End!”
Powerful, shocking, and devastating stories of seven young girls, that have all undergone FGM, Putland, Somalia. This programme, funded by GMC, was broadcasted on Sahan Radio Garowe and was heard in Nugal districts, and also shared across social media.
GMC Supports Media Training on Sensitive Reporting on Harmful Practices for Media Practitioners from Eastern & Southern Africa
GMC alongside the African Union led and supported the media training that took place on 5th-7th July 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Sadia Hussein – End FGM Champion Fights for a seat in Parliament, Tana River County, Kenya
Sadia Hussein, representing Kenya, is a women’s rights activist and female genital mutilation (FGM) survivor who advocates for ending the practice.
FGM in Focus: Born Perfect Special
During this Facebook Live special Jeremiah Kipainoi invites Davidson Malison (Activist, Nigeria), Tony Mwebia (Activist, Kenya), and Hassan Istiila (Journalist, Somalia) to explain the benefits of the Born Perfect campaign which has engaged football legends in the talk to end FGM.
Students share their experiences of witnessing FGM after effects, to end FGM Hir-shabelle State, Somalia.
Awareness meeting attended by some of the students of Jowhar Public Schools at Hir-Shabelle State such as Horseed Primary and Secondary School, Sheikh Hanafi, Imam Shafi’i, Sheikh Hassan Barsane, and Sheikh Hussein Ade School spoke about the real problems girls are subjected to FGM.
Minister Urges the Hir-Shabelle State to End FGM, A Powerful Radio awareness programme, Somalia
Officials from Hir-Shabelle State whom we met in Jowhar town welcomed the public awareness campaign to end female genital mutilation.
Youth Awareness Campaign & New Radio station Launch to End FGM, Jowhar State, Somalia
Since Radio Asal launched its Ramadan campaign to end female genital mutilation in Jowhar, we have been receiving direct reports of parents who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) causing health problems for their daughters. In an awareness session attended by Radio Asal reporters and some youth in Jowhar, they raised awareness about female genital mutilation.
Teachers open up about how FGM is affecting their girls, Hir-Shabelle State, Somalia
At a meeting attended by some of the teachers of the Holy Quran and primary and secondary schools in Jowhar, the capital of Hir-Shabelle state, we focused on how to end female genital mutilation to save the future of the new generation of girls. We broadcast the conversation on radio.
Graduates say
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Media campaigns
recent campaigns in The Gambia
FGM in The Gambia
According to The Gambian Demographic and Health Survey 2013, the national prevalence of FGM is at 75% for women/girls between the ages of 15 and 49. And 76% national prevalence of FGM among girls between the ages 15 and 19. (Data validated by UNFPA).
The latest
The Once Wanted FGM Cutter Speaks on Radio to End FGM, Baddibu District, The Gambia
The famous Ex- FGM cutter Aja Bintou Danso (in the North Bank region) was once wanted by the government for cutting someone in the Baddibu district. Here she shares her story of finally laying down the knife. This conversation was broadcast on Kerewab Multimedia Radio reaching 600 thousand listeners.
Summer TV Broadcast Urges Families to “Stop Cutting Our Girls!” The Gambia
The TV show is called WAHTAN (let’s talk). It’s every Tuesday on Paradise TV. We reach 800 to 1000 views on Facebook live and receive calls from viewers at home. The show is mainly for people that have stories they are afraid to talk about cus of stigma or judgment.
Religious leaders and Medical Professionals talk on TV to End FGM, The Gambia
I hosted a 20mins TV Show covering the topic of FGM, Early Marriage, and Child Abuse. I engaged a religious leader, a Traditional leader, and a Single mother activist.
VOX POPS Creating Waves to end FGM as discussions are sparked, Central River Region, The Gambia
End FGM campaign aiming to Increasing ability to speak on FGM through the hardening of the voices of voters and the citizenry on the law on FGM including religious and cultural misconnections on FGM.
Hospital Manager talks on Radio about ending FGM, North Bank Region, The Gambia,
The radio talk show programme was conducted in kerewan, North Bank Region. This program was geared toward ending the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the region. This activity was done with community leaders such as the officer in charge of the hospital who talks about the implications of FGM and enlightened us on how it’s affecting women, especially during delivery.
“FGM is still seen as a Religious Obligation in The Gambia – More is needed to Sensitise Communities against FGM”
Our Radio sensitization on ending FGM included influential leaders (Women community leaders,) National Assembly members, youth, and women leaders sensitising communities during Ramadan on the adverse effects of FGM and discouraging parents from cutting the girl child.
75 days of VOX POP with Community Leaders to End FGM, Upper River Region, The Gambia
Intensifying voices on FGM through the solidification of the voices of voters and the citizenry on the law on FGM including religious and cultural misconnections on FGM.
Youth awareness to End FGM, Radio Conversations, The Gambia,
Fatou Baldeh stated that young people can put an end to FGM, with the recent trend of more youths being aware and consistently engaged there’s strong hope that they will resist subjecting their children to FGM when they come of age to bear children.
Media Outlets Empowering Women to Raise their Voices to end GBV, Banjul, The Gambia
We engaged the general public to demand better from the newly elected member. To support gender-neutral laws and fund allocations for the survivors of Gender Based-Violence.
FGM Survivor Talks about her Experience of FGM, Marriage Problems and Constant Pain
Farafenni community radio program on zero tolerance for female genital mutilation with Mr. Sainey Dibba as the moderator.
Radio show discovers that More public talks are needed to give family’s a place to agree to make a change to End FGM, The Gambia
Lamin Sanneh is an anti-FGM campaigner. Here he shares his most recent media activities to end FGM in The Gambia.
From Activist to Politician, The Gambia
Jaha Dukureh has been an anti-FGM activist for over ten years. As an FGM survivor, Jaha used her voice through the media to make sure other women don’t face the same pain and challenges she has had to face. Now she is using that voice to run for president in The Gambia.