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“FGM is not in the Holy Books,” Sheikh shares on the Radio Inspiring other Religious Leaders to call in to be on the Next Show, North Rift region, Kenya 

By Soloman Kiterie, 

We had a two weeks radio jingle on BK Radio and a one-talk show that was held on which involved sheikh Mohamed Ali of Pangani Muslim community mosque and Bishop Ken Senelwa of Voice of Trumpet. The message is the religious upbringing of our children does not include FGM in the holy books.

 The reason for having the spiritual leaders is to get a deeper understanding of what the Bible and Quran say about circumcision especially female genital mutilation.

Our Success:

The messages that came out from the two clergymen were so powerful. Both of them agreed that circumcision was meant to create a covenant between man and God but neither of the two holy books support female cutting. The radio talk show also reached an estimated 500,000 people from Mt Elgon, Trans Nzoia, and the North Rift region. 

Sheikh Mohammed ali

Rev. Ken Senelwa 

Strong messages:

  1. FGM is not religious and should be abandoned 
  2. Parents should take charge and be responsible for upbringing their children
  3. Communities should abandon retrogressive cultures and beliefs for the development
  4. Parents to teach their children the religious ways
  5. All religious leaders take ownership of these initiatives and preach to their followers about behavior change.

Unexpected wins:

Radio End FGM Impact: While discussing another preacher called in live to support the program and requested to be hosted for the same discussion. Share on X

Ruth Harley

Ruth Harley is working with GMC as a Website News Editor, compiling stories written by End FGM campaigners working with the Global Media Campaign to End FGM across Africa. Alongside this work, she is running The Women’s Vinyl Project which empowers women and girls through singing and music and is helping to end FGM.