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Youth Awareness Campaign & New Radio station Launch to End FGM, Jowhar State, Somalia   

By Ifrah Ahmed,

Since Radio Asal launched its Ramadan campaign to end female genital mutilation in Jowhar, we have been receiving direct reports of parents who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) causing health problems for their daughters. In an awareness session attended by Radio Asal reporters and some youth in Jowhar, they raised awareness about female genital mutilation.

Some of the youths during the awareness campaign in the neighborhoods of Jowhar town informed the community about the problem of female genital mutilation to avoid it should parents stop female genital mutilation (FGM).Radio Asal’s team of reporters told the parents that the girl was facing serious health risks during FGM, as well as severe fear and serious health problems.

Khalid Hassan Elmi is one of the young people who volunteered to join us in the community awareness program in Jowhar.

"We are a Muslim nation and we must avoid anything that could harm our daughters and we must understand how Islam forbids the harmful effects of female genital mutilation, and we must stop the practice of female genital mutilation."… Share on X

Mohamad Adan shared during the Community Awareness Program:

"My brothers have already mentioned that I, Mohamed Adam, can suggest that young people play a major role in stopping female genital mutilation. The problem of female genital mutilation is bothering us because they are our wives and we… Share on X

Nonetheless, the community in Jowhar is pleased to announce the release of Radio Asal, an independent media outlet that works to end the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Long-term health risks to most communities.

Ruth Harley

Ruth Harley is working with GMC as a Website News Editor, compiling stories written by End FGM campaigners working with the Global Media Campaign to End FGM across Africa. Alongside this work, she is running The Women’s Vinyl Project which empowers women and girls through singing and music and is helping to end FGM.