By Ayo Bello
Working on the media can provide campaigners with a safer platform to speak out against FGM publicly. The flip side of this approach must be addressed, as activists’ efforts to break the silence around FGM can generate backlash and resistance,
In this session, Ayo Bello discusses how campaigners can keep themselves and participants safe while working with the media. More specifically, explain GMC’s Child protection and safeguarding policy and share useful tools with campaigners on how to mitigate potential activities-related risks.
Explain what is at stake in anti-FGM campaigning, why it can generate backlash
Explain how to assess the social context (the potential for backlash) and act accordingly
Go through GMC’s child protection and safeguarding policy
Share experience on how to remain safe:
During call-in/interactive shows
Working in IDP camps
When working with younger people
When travelling for a grant
Explain how to report an issue or seek help during challenging times
Implementing partners
Global Media Campaign