Callers from Rural Villages contact End-FGM radio show, West Pokot, Kenya 

Our project was both media and community engagement activity, we involved North Rift Rift Radio in our media campaign and our local surveillance group in Otiot village in Marus sub-location for sensitization. The reason why we engaged North Radio is that it is the most listened to radio station in West Pokot and the most popular in places where we work with high FGM/CM prevalence.

Continue ReadingCallers from Rural Villages contact End-FGM radio show, West Pokot, Kenya 

The Dangers of Being an FGM campaigner and how the Media offers a safer platform for campaigners to raise their voices

Do we get to see the real-life of a campaigner? The past few weeks we have been collecting stories about the dangers of campaigning against FGM in Africa. GMC works with campaigners across Africa including The Gambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali.

Continue ReadingThe Dangers of Being an FGM campaigner and how the Media offers a safer platform for campaigners to raise their voices