Media Campaign helping to reduce FGM during the Cutting Season, Kenya
Rebby Sebei is an anti-FGM campaigner. She organised a Christmas cutting season media end FGM campaign which engaged an FGM survivor, legal officer, and professional role model.
Rebby Sebei is an anti-FGM campaigner. She organised a Christmas cutting season media end FGM campaign which engaged an FGM survivor, legal officer, and professional role model.
Jedidah Lemario organised a Media Campaign to help End FGM in Kajiado which evoked a very positive response.
Ali Mohamed is an anti-FGM campaigner who is raising awareness in Qanjara region, Kenya. His radio show hosted Islamic leaders who state that FGM is not a religious practice but a cultural one and it must end.
Vincent Ogallo highlights the increase of FGM Cases during and post Covid-19. His End FGM Media Campaign helped to accelerate community awareness in Kuria.
Selina Nkoile an anti-FGM campaigner gathered activists and FGM educators on the radio in Maasai Land, Kenya.
Salim Godala anti-FGM activist, organises a radio broadcast with religious leaders in Tanariver county, Kenya.
Josephine Ndirias is an anti-FGM campaigner that organised a radio show about the effects of FGM. Covering the areas of Laikipia, Narok and Samburu.
Futuma Hakar an anti-FGM activist shares her experience of her media campaign in Garissa county, Kenya
Anti-FGM activist Furtuma Hakar talks on Radio about how FGM is a result of medieval history and not an Islamic practice.
Catherine Thiakunu anti-FGM campaigner, organized Radio talk shows in Meru county Kenya, focusing on the issues of FGM that the locals face.