Radio talks on Women in leadership to combat FGM during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Teenage pregnancies, child marriage, and FGM as well as other forms of sexual gender-based violence have substantially been on the rise following the ravages of the COVID19 pandemic which necessitated school closure for almost one year. Solomon Kemei reports how Media is helping to combat FGM during this challenging time.

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Kenyan Media Graduates arrange Media & Communications for IWD to End FGM

To commemorate International Women's Day 2021, Fatuma Hakar reports the Global Media Campaign which made a call to Kenyan media graduates to apply for direct action grants to amplify their activities for the celebrations. An average of USD 500 was given to each grantee.

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Fathers fight against FGM on Radio in Wajir County, Kenya

International women’s day was celebrated on the 8th of March 2021. Ali Mohamed an anti-FGM activist organised a day of events to sensitize the community on upholding the rights of girls against FGM in Wajir County. This was done through the wajeer FM radio with wide coverage and going in the local Somali dialect.

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