By Yai Demba,
The radio talk show was took place at theFarafenni community Radio FM, Upper Badibou District, North Bank Region.
Who was invited?
In the program Police (Gender and child welfare office), the health (officer in charge), the Community Development office NBR, and the Female representative for NBR were the panelist to discuss the practice of Female Genital Mutilation. The time slot was 8 pm was because people are always less busy during this time, the objective was to reach out to as much as we could during the discussion, one of our guests the police was able to talk about the laws that govern the act ie.
- Any person who is involved or participates in the practice of FGM you are liable for imprisonment for 3 years or Fifty (50) thousand dalasi or both.
- Whereas you had that the practice is about to take place you keep quiet or you knew that they conducted it you seat on it you are liable to pay Ten (10) thousand dalasi.
- And if the child happens to die as a result of FGM its life imprisonment
These make the presentation lively and interesting and during the line called we realized people don’t still no some of these Laws.
The health officer too was able to strictly buttress more on the consequences of health problems including during delivery and other complications.

Radio show:
Paradise FM, located at farafenni in the Upper Badibou, North Bank Region, the radio can reach out to about twenty-five thousand people around that area also is close to Senegal even they can reach out. I used my WhatsApp status to send information about it during the day so even those who were not able to listen can learn from my WhatsApp and I sent it to our Facebook page too.
I also have community dialogue which was covered by Gambia Radio and Television Service (GRTS) during the discussion with the community members and our guests (Police, Police, Alkalo, and the community nurse). This activity was conducted at Kabakoto, Upper Nuimi District.
We had a successful discussion on the Laws by the child welfare officer on how our laws are put in place, how they are making sure it’s implemented and women’s amendment act 2016, the children act 2013, and some other forms of violence against children. The health personnel also enlighten on the health implications, especially during childbirth other issues that can cause genital disorder while the community worker also talked about the social aspect which includes how the society perceives the act and the laws as well as the community dialogue. In the community engagement, the community nurse lamented the issues women mostly complained of which are a result of the practice of FGM.